Naples Islands Garden Club Veterans Day Commemoration
This year, the Naples Islands Garden Club extended a Veterans Day invitation to veterans and their families beyond its neighborhood, including those from Belmont Shore, Seal Beach, and the Peninsula. La Bella Fontana Park, looking pristine and beautiful, welcomed approximately ninety attendees, including forty veterans, for this special commemoration.
President Linda Frame opened the event with a warm welcome, as a patriotic red, white, and blue wreath was displayed. Boy Scout Troop 105 and Cub Scouts 007 proudly presented the colors, adding a respectful tone to the occasion. Kristina Duggan, 3rd District Council Member, and Veteran VA employee Holly Wroblicky delivered heartfelt speeches, reminding everyone of our deep gratitude for the sacrifices made by our veterans, which afford us a life of freedom.
Event co-chairs Valerie Rich and Becky Jones mingled with veterans, giving them a chance to introduce themselves and share their names, branches of service, and places and years of deployment. The memorial concluded with everyone joining Marilyn Bittle in singing "God Bless America".
Photos and article submitted by : Trish Schooley